
Welcome to small corner of the internet. I’m Joe, an Aussie artist and writer who has been scribbling in the boarders notebooks for as long as I can remember. Raised on a good dose of comics, games, fantasy and sci-fi, I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art in 2008 with my first piece of professional writing appearing on-line in 2018. I am currently working on my first book, The History of SEGA.

Thanks very much for stopping by; please feel free to poke around. I hope you enjoy what you see. 😁


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16/09/24 - History of SEGA Book Cover

My editor today sent me a mock up for the History of SEGA book cover. It looks amazing! I can't share it just yet as it needs a few more tweaks, but I'm very happy with it. I'll of course post an image as soon as I can.


09/09/24 - New Artwork: Skull Tea

My lateste illustration, Skull Tea, has been added to the gallery. I hope you like it. 😄


03/09/24 - The History of SEGA Submitted!

Finally, the book's manuscript is complete, all the image permissions have been sorted and it's all been submitted to the publisher! Now it's just a matter of waiting for their feed back, fixing and issues, and getting it ready for printing.


05/08/24 - New Artwork: The Forest Path

I've just uploaded a new artwork, entitled The Forest Path, to the gallery. I hope you like it.


15/07/24 - History of SEGA Update

It's been a little while since I posted an update on the status of the History of SEGA book I'm working on, so I thought it was about time I did so. As of right now, all is going well. The final draft is all but done, it just needs a few minor tweaks, and I'm in the process of sourcing images for inclusion in the book. The issue of images has been something of a steep learning curve as I've had to get my head around copyright and usage rules and so on, but I've only a few more to source to hit the 100-images sweet spot. 

I have a bit of a worry regarding the word count as I did not realise until relatively recently that my 60,000 word allowance includes the main text and the intro, index, bibliography and acknowledgements. The main text itself is over 60,000, so there may need to be some cuts made (I've already made a few).  Once all of that is sorted it's off to the publisher to ensure they are happy with it. 

It'll still be a few months before everything is set in stone, but of course I shall keep you posted.